Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Pretty Baaaad Boys

Everyone know’s a villain. You know, the Bad Guy, the antagonist, the one with the darker role in a film, the one that appears on screen whenever the background music turns dark green.. sounds dark green. Whatever that means… you got my point.

So, what’s up with villains nowadays?

I’ve never really given it much thought, until my 13 year old cousin pointed it out to me a couple of weeks ago.. (observant girl :P) It was really a by the way comment from her, just a simple statement : “Don’t you think Draco Malfoy looks cute?”

my first reaction - "huh??" and then.. i changed my mind. Yea, she’s right. Never thought of it.. He is cute.. for a BAD GUY. Clean look. Innocent face… but oh-so-evil smile.. even more cute, no?

if i only i was thirteen then that sentenced would've made sense

Thing is, i've noticed thereinafter (don't mind me, i'm in "exam week"), so are many more on-screen villains these days.

Last week prior to the Company Law paper… ahem... I finished watching the whole season of Heroes (sathya’s fault!) He watched, so I watched.. we watched. Hooked, mesmerized by the story line.. from one episode.. to another episode. (excuses, excuses). Anyways, as I was saying - I couldn’t help notice something. Something about Sylar (baddie). He looks good, eh.. haha… *blush*. To those that beg to differ, i assure you, it takes five episodes to note that :P ever heard of looks that grow on you? no? me too.. hahaha!

My point is, gone are the days when you’ll see chaps like Jack Nicholson, and Christopher Walken (who??) starring in antagonistic (?) roles. Seriously, bad guys are looking better and better by the movie.

Take the most recent movie (I’ve watched) - Spiderman 3. If I’m not mistaken, Venom isn’t suppose to look that good, is he?? They casted Topher Grace! Hot hot hot.. hotter then how he was in That 70’s Show.. look at that face!

Plus, he wasn’t the only one Tobey Maguire had to be overshadowed by in the looks department. Need I remind you of the New Goblin? James Franco is undoubtedly the new era’s James Dean. If I’m not mistaken, he did play James Dean..?? (note to self - need to check up on that later).

Have you seen The Covenant? that cool witchy movie with all good lookin' people, and nothing less... Prom and i were practically drooling throughout it (haha.. scratch tht). I just remembered of the bad guy there - Sebastian Stan.

He has a piercing look that can spear thru any witch’s heart. Ok, it might be a little unfair to take The Covenant into consideration, since, like I’ve mentioned, only HOT guys were casted as leads.. but, what about Star Wars? No no, not the old baddie Darth Vader, but darth vader before he got burnt and needed to hide his face under an oversized mask :P

i bring you, Hayden Christensen

The next one's is for you, Di..

Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth in Schindler’s List? And with honor, i'd like to quote Diana, Ralph Fiennes is nothing but h-o-t. even all the make-up as Voldermort in Harry Potter can’t hide that fact – ok, maybe it can..


I heard American Psycho was good. Haven’t seen it, but I know who won an award for the Best Actor in that movie. Yes, Christian Bale played the villain.

To the Disney aficionado’s over there.. This might interest you (and me) : Scar in Lion King was voiced by Jeremy Irons.

Ok, not exactly “pretty boy” material, but, minus the age? (To be fair, this might be a lil irrelevant on the topic, since we’re talking about on screen looks.. but hey, I’m writing) :P

Last, but not least.. the new Lex Luther :) not exactly the best pix i could muster, but try to imagine him with hair..

So, have I stated my point loud and clear?

edit : this post was responded by rai


DFC said...

hahahahahah Sho I agree on most points and ESPECIALLY with Ralph, Lex and James Franco (yes his bod made Kirsten Dunst performance endurable!)...

but Topher Grace?? As Venom?? That's blasphemous to true venom fans the world over!! Aaarrrgghh. even if he is a pretty boy- Venom wasn't meant to be pretty wussy, or wussy pretty! I think Sylar would've made a MUUUCCChhhh better Venom!

yvonne lee said...

erm.... i think all girls have this one (or more?) fantasy fling(s) with a bad guy... i must admit i very very much prefered lex to clark... hehe.. in smallville that is...

word verification : iotdy... somehow sound like idiot... hehe!

Raina said...

topher has the nicest smile lah!
nice post, sho! hehee

*sho* said...

my point exactly, di. topher as venom was a weird cast wasn't it? but, like rai said.. nice smile. thnx for the compliment, rai ^^

haha! vonne, yes - don't we love bad boys (",). especially when they're sooo hot like the ones above.

wonder whether these were the few things tht got me attracted to vek :P hahahaha!

dave's speechless. for once! :P

*sho* said...

OMG... i did an evaluation on myself (weird, i know) and i got this deduction based on my choices for good lookin baddies. all of em got same eyes! ahahahhaaa... (except for "draco malfoy" la. too young)
And then compared to vek's eyes.. eek! freaky...

Anonymous said...

hahaha...i think we all do this all the time...the evaluation bit....such a cool post...and sooo true..w.e all love the bad boys dont we?? at least in our post...i esp liked the one about scar...he's one of my fav disney villains after heades that is....cant wait to see u!!!

*sho* said...

no way, u like scar?! haha. me too! hey cant wait to see u tooo... pls come up kl asap after the paper. muax!