Wednesday, January 03, 2007

estate escapade

We drove for 4 hours from KK – 2 hours on the bumpiest stretch ever... driving past acres after acres of oil palm trees... all the way to Sugut, my dad’s place.

Entertainment and news wise, we relied on nothing more but Astro (whoopee) and 2-day-delayed newspapers. Oh, and scrabble, of course. haha.. it wasn’t till the 22nd that it struck us how bad the flood was back in Johor. Was this the foreboding feeling I had at the sea a couple of days ago?
We horsed around that week – anticipating Christmas.

It smells great outdoors after a light drizzle. I can’t describe it – you’d have to be there. The trees’ll look greener and the air heavier.

Sham saw her first frog eggs

holding on to our dear lives while papa drove us around. now tht's what i call horsing around!

Sathya tried the pickup – while I, again, held on to my dear life

Christmas in Sugut, so good

Oh, check this out – self made chrismas tree! Trust my mum to come up with the wackiest ideas. You wouldn’t have guessed it’s actually made out of mahjong paper! LOL

Food in Sugut’s amazing. It's Seafood heaven everyday. It was cheap and easily accessible. i reckon our cholesterol level went up a notch or two. ah.. but who's counting, right?

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