Saturday, July 29, 2006


19 days since my last entry..

picking up from where i left off, and to cut the story short, urs truly quit the call centre job. i survived only a day ( one day, one hr..).. haha! i remembered laughing at shirlz when she quit hers after a day.. joke's back on me now. after 3 days of "hunting" around with Prom for another job, i finally found something new to put into my resume - One helluva working experience in a restaurant. And which other restaurant would it be, other than my all time fav - Chili's! :)

it's been officially 2 weeks and 2 days. and boy, what a rollercoaster ride it's been. i have tonnes to say.. but i wont :P tired..

I've been exhausted for the past week, but it's all worth it. The people i get to meet - malaysians can truly eat la..foreigners (not to mention hotties and hunks, kehkehekeh..) - just widens my perspertive of people. seeing customers in a different light is one big eye opener. one things for sure, from now on, i would definitely appreciate waiters and waitresses more. haha.. it's more than back breaking, it requires patience and organization more than anything. I would have never imagined seeing myself juggling a big fajita tray on one shoulder and the tray stand in one hand.. but i managed to do it, alright. *whipee..*

yesterday was the epitome of my working days - so far- tips went up to 20 bucks! i relaxed, i chatted with customers, i made new frenz.. my day was as smooth sailing as a baby's backside. *grinz*. hey, whoever mentioned malaysians are rude obviosly limited themselves to the wrong crowd. The customers i got were the sweetest bunch. sure, there were rude grouches. but i'll just leave it to u to guess which country they came from. hint : NOT malaysians.

till here for now from the new chilihead.

urs sincerely..

ps: eat more chili

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