Monday, May 14, 2007

a feast fit for a queen

Mother's day treat at Barney's for my mummy

Went back home for the weekend to spend time with mummy. Sham and i insisted on her not cooking, and planned a girls night out - just us girls. good thing they accept watches in exchange for cash that night at Barney's... first time buying mum dinner, for me. the look on her face when i stood up to pay was.. priceless.. *brag brag brag*

i craved for spaghetti..

my sis just had to make mum work that night.. she just had to -_-"

side note : i remember mum pointing out the baked beans on Sham's plate. I never noticed it, but she's right - aren't baked beans for breakfast (well, not really)? But why did they serve baked beans? easy to prepare? for it wasn't even that tastey.. but what else could they substitute it for? It did look kind of measley on the plate...
note to others - if presentation is your concern, baked beans, not that appealing to serve for dinner.
but the chicken chop? MmmMmm.. thanks sham for not finishing your dinner.

one for the album

with our tummy filled and our lips burning from tobasco sauce.. we had dessert - chocolate brownies with ice cream. (no pictures, my apologies - my battery ran out *silly me*) but, i must say.. Barney's make really good brownies. A sure reccomendation to those who got no place to go for dessert in Kluang - if you dont feel like have ice kacang, that is.. but i shall leave that for another entry ;)

i love you, mummy ^^

Happy Mother's Day!!

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