Tuesday, April 25, 2006

One year, baby..

It’s been exactly 1 year since my very 1st entry. Happy anniversary!
Ever since then I’ve been blogging from everything I thot I could share with the “world” (‘tho I doubt "the world" actually reads my blog, judging by who comments and who says “hi” in my lil chat corner...), anyways, I guess it’s the best way to voice out, don’t you think? Right up from corny movie reviews, train of thoughts, shout outs, memorable snapshots.. I was voicing out, reaching out, trying to share, seeking to find another individual who has the same train of thoughts as me... Ok, I may be a lil over the top on that bit, but honestly, why else do people blog, right?

I guess it might be a lil silly to start pondering now, after 1 year, on why I started to blog in the 1st place.

Mum once commented (after reading my blog) that those who blog inspire in becoming a journalist. I guess what she meant was those who blog simply have the passion to write and be heard. But what about those who blog just to keep in touch with other friends? Much easier than writing 10 same emails to 10 different friends all round the world, no? Or what about those who blog to crystallize bitter sweet memories, in the world wide web, ‘cos traditional journals are oh-so “old fashioned”.. I don’t know..

Me? I blog cos it’s fun! (Ignore the fact that I haven’t been updating much this month, ya.. EXAM lar... haha)

Blogging truly is like having your own museum, filled with your own “creations”, inventions, and your own work of art. And like any museum, I welcome critics, reviews and comments by whoever that visits. (Ok, maybe not whoever- *flashback* around July last year, my blog got vandalized my some anonymous blogger... Good thing Vic pointed out I should change my settings)... and oh... Plus, like any museum, new entries seem to take time to come by at times... *hint, hint* :P
More importantly, i blog 'cos i love reading my friends' blog- if that makes any sense.

So, to all the bloggers out there, 2 words- happy blogging!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Heya shobana!
I just thought that I'll let u know that someone else from the world is reading your blog without 'saying hi' =)