Monday, March 24, 2008

weather post-caste

in relation to yesterday's post (22nd march) on my episode in experiencing what i thought of was a hailstorm. it seemed to be, the supposed "freak weather" was not what i thought it was at all.

we got to learn that what we unexpectedly had yesterday was known as sleet. The Americans would call it ice pellets, apparently.

As Wikipedia (ahem..) properly defined it, sleet is "a term used in a variety of ways to describe
precipitation that is intermediate between rain and snow but distinct from hail stones." too technical?

Basically, what we saw yesterday was as extrordinary as i initially thot it was. (we had hail in Malaysia, i remember - THAT was a freak in nature, so thinking it was JUST hail in the end was kinda disappointing). what we had weren't ordinary Hailstones, but part snow, part rain! The fact that it was too warm yestersday (note the sudden sunshine after the short shower), snow essentially, got "deformed" on its way to the ground. But, due to the fact that the climate was not too warm enough to make it turn to rain... snow became sleet! ;)

so, there.. that's a known fact for ya!
who knew my blog would be so informative.. heh~


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