Friday, September 02, 2005

a glimpse of entries from the shenanigan

the next few lines would be from my never up-to-date journal.. sorry for the slight flashback.

time 12 midnight, 1st September, 05


have i ever mentioned tht it's one of my many middle names?
was looking thru all the pix i took from the new digi camera papa so graciously loan to me.. 36 all together with snapshots of hanging out wif sashi, Sharmini, Vek and Vic in mid valley... tht night with Jinder and Gang.. the hamster's ceremonial-picture-taking.. the merdeka fireworks which i managed to snap on time from the 19th day wif vek in One Utama's serene garden... ALL GONE! i can't really remember wat i fiddled.. next thing i knew, the chip had zero images.. *WhAILL!!!*

no point crying over spilt milk they say.. but there is another saying tht goes something like we should cry out all our "sorrows" to not let tht burden weigh down our soul.. ok, i just made tht last bit up. "oh there she goes again.. whine.. whine.."..whinig IS my favourite pasttime, it makes me feel good after on hour or two.. In Fact, i don't think it'll take tht long.. cos i feel ok already.

all i have to do is take more pic!

ps: must always bear in mind to live life & not simply live thru the lense of a camera.. watever tht means.


*sho* said...

thnx!will check ur site out.. hope to hear from u more..

Anonymous said...

er, sho?
dun mean to burst ur bubble... but i think that was a spam comment.
in other words... not a real person.

it's ok... it's ok. i und.


Anonymous said...
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VickieVic said...

i have a copy with me ^^ check friendster k! hugs!!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha! i someone jealous of vivek?!!
oh dear... nvr thot i'd see this coming.
